- my creativity tube - |
Exam English utilises words like 'aforementioned', 'ultimately' and 'Indeed' more than should be necessary and I hate myself for it. When writing an essay during the rest of the year, I am slightly more relaxed and the overall result is a more pleasant one for the reader. Come May/June I write like a machine, all humour and creativity has officially left the building, away on a two month holiday.
This is why my blog will suffer. I am surviving on the creativity at the bottom of the tube, desperately squeezing at it to no avail. My output since Easter time has been more sporadic, less interesting, quite boring and silently desperate as exam season looms. Where once ideas were swimming around my head, now lies a formulaic approach to writing with the sole intention of impressing the mysterious examiner.
So expect posts to be few and far between until I restock my creativity tubes and hopefully the sacrifice will be worthwhile. Also, as my better work is behind me, take a gander at my back catalogue including the underrated list of why people like lists.
Just to reiterate, do not judge me or my blog on the next seven(ish) weeks, It's not really me, it's someone pretending to be me and not doing a very good job.