Monday, 9 April 2012

I need praise!

Now that I have successfully passed the landmark 15 views there is no time for celebrations or congratulations. Just to indulge my currently fragile ego, I need comments.

do you tweet?

If you read one of my posts, could you comment 'read' or something like that, maybe even 'read and enjoyed'... wishful thinking on my part.

I'm sure I would be desperate enough to repay you in some way, possibly in the afterlife.


  1. you got it …just ask for it! AWITD…and for those who don't know what its like to have a blog….we live for our comments and feedback…its like a guest book..

  2. Enjoyed reading. :)

    1. Yes, I have read this.

      And enjoyed the picture as well. :)

      And followed you on Tweeter

  3. Less than a month in and you want praise already? I'll come back this time next year and see how you're doing.

    Actually, if you can keep this up for a year you will have a very good blog. I like what I've read so far.
