Sunday 24 June 2012


- The Catholic Church is getting down with the kids -
Great News! Another excuse not to go to mass. Imagine the situation, it is Sunday evening and in my case the interrogator will take the form of my Granny.

Granny: Did you go to mass today?

Me: No. No, I did not.

Granny: (shocked) Why ever not grandson?

Me: (smugly) Oh I wasn't feeling too great so I watched the live webcam stream.

Yes, this is not a joke. We have taken the first step towards virtual priests and downloadable communion. Mass in all its glory is now available for everyone to see on the St. Michael's Parish website, look here's a link

As if I needed another excuse not to go,  with all the scandals and whatnot (whatnot is an old, old Irish word for kiddy-fiddling).

Top-Tip: To have a truly watertight excuse, make sure to brush up on the Gospel of the day. And as for the sermon just say "he spoke very well".

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